Six coronavirus myths debunked

Six coronavirus myths debunked
Six coronavirus myths debunked

There is a lot of misinformation circulating online amid the coronavirus pandemic.

With the coronavirus (also known as the COVID-19 virus) having officially been categorized as a global pandemic, it’s easy to become panicked and confused by the misinformation that’s all over the internet. The best way to arm yourself is with facts.

Because the virus is so new, there currently is no antiviral medication on the market specified to treat coronavirus. However, according to the World Health Organization, those infected with the virus should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized supportive care.

Before you rush to the store to stock up on more supplies to safeguard your health, scroll through the gallery to see the common myths about coronavirus debunked.

Face Masks Are 100% Effective Against Contracting Coronavirus

FALSE. Perhaps the most commonly believed myth about coronavirus is that wearing a face mask is a surefire way to protect you from contracting COVID-19. It is not, and there are several reasons why. For starters, thin paper masks, like the one pictured above, are not that effective in blocking out tiny particles from the coughs and sneezes of those around you. Also, most of us who are not used to wearing a mask regularly are likely the touch areas around our face when the mask starts to feel uncomfortable. This only increases your risk of bringing corona-causing germs to your mouth and eyes. Last, the CDC advises that “you do not need to wear a face mask unless you are sick or caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a face mask).” Face masks are scarce these days and should be prioritized for caregivers.

Warm Weather Prevents The Spread Of Coronavirus

FALSE. According to WHO, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather. No matter what climate you live in, taking preventive measures like washing your hands and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing are critical in staving off the spread of the virus.

Only People Who Show Symptoms Are Contagious

FALSE. According to new information issued by the CDC, “some spread might be possible before people show symptoms; there have been reports of this occurring with this new coronavirus, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.” In fact, more than half a dozen studies have shown that asymptomatic carriers of corona are causing substantial amounts of infection.

Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Kills Germs That Cause Coronavirus

TRUE. If you’re not able to get near soap and water, alcohol-based hand sanitizer is also an effective way to kill the germs that cause coronavirus. Keep in mind that your hand sanitizer needs to contain at least 60 percent alcohol to get the job done.

You Should Always Cough Or Sneeze Into Your Elbow

FALSE. The CDC recommends you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, throw that tissue away and then wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds to prevent the spread of coronavirus. According to NHS, droplets from sneezes or coughs that contain the virus can live on clothes or skin surfaces for several hours.

Disinfecting Your Home Is A Necessary Precaution

TRUE. Cleaning frequently touched surfaces (tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, faucets, sinks and so on) with household cleaners and EPA-registered disinfectants is recommended by the CDC.

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