Avoid distracting behaviors: Teen defensive driving event class

Avoid distracting behaviors: Teen defensive driving event class
Avoid distracting behaviors: Teen defensive driving event class

Every parent who has a child that just received their driver’s license would want to set up their new driver for this class. Teens are new to the ways of the road and other drivers when they first start out on their own. This event will provide some added extras that normal driving school practices didn’t teach that your child should learn about and practice.

The teen defensive driving class offered by AAA will teach that newly licensed teen how to ensure the proper following distance between vehicles as well as how to avoid distracting behaviors while driving.

This class will be very beneficial for teens that do a lot of texting, phone chatting and enjoy the company of friends they may have as passengers while they are driving. Most teens once they receive their license think that they know-it-all and parents know that is not the case. Help your teen and keep them safe with this class for added peace of mind. What they will learn will be time well spent.

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Jose S Vanhorne
Jose S. Vanhorne 3714 Gambler Lane Deer Park, TX 77536 Vanhorne@lintelligencer.com 281-884-7952


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