Coronavirus Canada: Sunnybrook’s COVID-19 vaccine pre-registration system is back online

Coronavirus Canada Updates: 7-day average of Saskatchewan COVID-19 cases hits record high
Coronavirus Canada Updates: 7-day average of Saskatchewan COVID-19 cases hits record high

There has been overwhelming interest from people who want to pre-register for the COVID-19 vaccine. This may continue to cause our registration system to get overloaded and crash at times. We apologize for this frustrating experience and are working hard to try to keep the system up and running. If this happens, please check back later and try again to pre-register via the online tool.

We are in the process of setting up a dedicated phone line; please note that our telephone operators are not able to assist with pre-registering at this time.

We tried to quickly and nimbly create a way for people to register their intent for vaccination in order to have a list ready to go once we are permitted to start vaccinating members of the community. This has resulted in a few bumps along the way, as we try to rollout a vaccination clinic on a scale larger than ever before.

Vaccination appointments at Sunnybrook will be given according to the rollout plan set by the Government of Ontario, with our community’s oldest residents, adults who receive home care, and Indigenous adults up first, along with health-care workers from community settings.

Due to a miscommunication, when our site launched March 1, 2021 it invited pre-registration for those over age 70.

The age eligibility has now changed to include those over age 80. No vaccination appointments were yet made based on the pre-registration list, so rest assured that no one has “jumped the queue.”

If you are between age 70 to 80 and pre-registered on March 1 or March 2, your information and intent to vaccinate is noted and you don’t need to pre-register at Sunnybrook again.

In the City of Toronto, there will be more than 350 vaccination sites set up in the days and weeks ahead through city-run mass vaccinations clinics, hospitals and other community partners. Please visit Toronto Public Health’s website often for details as they emerge.

For some commonly asked questions about pre-registration at Sunnybrook as well as information about vaccine safety and efficacy, visit

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Jose S Vanhorne
Jose S. Vanhorne 3714 Gambler Lane Deer Park, TX 77536 281-884-7952


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