Alberta Health Services says everyone that has booked a COVID-19 immunization will get one despite long lineups happening at clinics throughout the province.
“We understand everyone is eager to receive their immunization. We want to reassure those who booked their appointment that they will be vaccinated,” AHS said Thursday in a statement.
The provincial health authority says they are adding additional staff and signage at sites to encourage people with appointments to wait in their vehicles until their appointment times.
“Each appointment is booked in 10-minute increments. This helps ensure we can maintain social distancing at all immunization clinics,” the statement notes.
“Some individuals are arriving at appointments 30 to 60 minutes in advance, and as a result, wait lines are forming outside the facilities. We ask that all clients wait in their cars until five minutes before their appointment and not arrive more than 10 minutes early.”
AHS is also asking that Albertans respect each other’s designated appointment time and help ensure everyone continues to follow Alberta’s public health guidance.
Only Albertans who are receiving their vaccination are asked to attend the immunization clinic unless they require assistance.
Health Minister Tyler Shandro said Thursday that 100,000 Alberta seniors over the age of 75 were booked to receive their COVID-19 vaccination, after they were made eligible effective Wednesday, with an additional 22,000 seniors who reside in congregate care are also booked and thousands more booked for appointments at pharmacies.