Coronavirus Canada updates: Alberta reopening plan for retail businesses

Coronavirus Canada updates: Alberta reopening plan for retail businesses
Coronavirus Canada updates: Alberta reopening plan for retail businesses

In advance of the beginning of Alberta’s reopening plan, initially set to begin on May 14, the provincial government has launched a new webpage to provide information on health and safety guidelines for businesses to follow.

Some of the measures outlined for retail businesses include:

  • Minimize the risk of ‘trying-on’ of garments by encouraging customers to sanitize hands before trying on clothes
  • Eliminating the opportunity to return purchased goods
  • Allow staff to wear masks if preferred, even if a mask is not necessary for the work they are performing
  • Ensure gloves are available for workers handling cash
  • Encourage patrons to exit the business as quickly as possible following their purchase or completion of their visit
  • Some of the measures outlined for restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars include:

    • Must operate at no more than 50 per cent seating capacity, including outdoor patio seating
    • Arrange tables and chairs so that a 2-metre distance is maintained between each dining party
    • Remove table condiments and other frequently touched items(for example, salt and pepper shakers, ketchup, hot sauce)
    • Encourage table reservations to prevent lineups
    • All dining must be table service only
    • Wait staff and servers who cannot be protected by 2 metres of distance or a physical barrier must wear a cloth or surgical mask

    Some of the measures outlines for hair salons and barber shops include:

    • Remove non-essential high-touch items like magazines and toys
    • For salons with a receptionist, consider installing a physical barrier at the service counter between staff and clients
    • Avoid sharing products or tools between workstations and if sharing is required, clean and disinfect products and tools between users
    • Wear procedural/surgical masks while working directly with clients, and consider wearing eye protection and aprons
    • Encourage clients to wear masks
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