Coronavirus Canada Updates: Fourth student at Huron Heights tests positive for COVID-19

Coronavirus Canada Updates: 249 new cases of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan; Two additional deaths
Coronavirus Canada Updates: 249 new cases of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan; Two additional deaths

Another student at Huron Heights Secondary School in Kitchener has tested positive for COVID-19.

Region of Waterloo Public Health has confirmed this latest case was last at school September 25, and determined no students or staff were exposed to the virus.

It’s the fourth student to test positive for the virus since students returned to class, the third student at the school to catch COVID since October 1.

No outbreak has been declared at the school.

– B.C. to announce latest COVID-19 cases, new modelling data

British Columbia’s top health officials will announce the latest COVID-19 developments from the weekend on Monday, as well as a new epidemiological model showing how the disease has spread in the province.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry will announce the details from the B.C. legislature.

CTV News Vancouver Island will stream the news conference LIVE @ 3 p.m.

The last time Henry presented COVID-19 modelling data, on Sept. 3, the health officer described the province as being on the “precipice” of a second wave of new infections.

Henry said then, and has repeated since, that British Columbians must reduce physical contact with others or risk a climbing infection rate.

On Friday, Henry announced 161 new cases of the virus and three additional deaths in B.C.

There have been 9,381 cases of COVID-19 in the province since the start of the pandemic, including 209 cases on Vancouver Island.

The death toll from the virus in B.C. currently stands at 238.

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