Coronavirus Canada updates: Health unit reports six new COVID-19 cases in Oxford

Coronavirus Canada Updates: 173 new COVID-19 cases, 2 deaths in Manitoba on Friday
Coronavirus Canada Updates: 173 new COVID-19 cases, 2 deaths in Manitoba on Friday

Southwestern public health reported six new confirmed COVID-19 cases and two more recoveries Friday morning.

The new cases bring the confirmed active case total to 86 and bumps the resolved cases to 101 since the pandemic began.

The six new cases were split evenly between Bayham and Aylmer in Elgin County.

Aylmer now has 50 ongoing cases while Bayham has 19, Tillsonburg nine and Norwich Township five. St. Thomas has two active cases. There’s also one case from an address outside of Ontario.

Tillsonburg and Bayham each had a resolved case.

According to the health unit’s data, there is one person still in critical care at the Woodstock Hospital.

The health unit has completed 18,477 tests, with 17,751 negative results and a further 504 pending.

A total of 1.1 per cent of tests have returned positive, according to data from Southwestern public health.

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