Coronavirus Canada Updates: Nine more COVID-19 cases confirmed in Niagara

Coronavirus Canada Updates: New Brunswick reports 3 new COVID-19 cases, 6 people in hospital today
Coronavirus Canada Updates: New Brunswick reports 3 new COVID-19 cases, 6 people in hospital today

Niagara’s COVD-19 case count continued to rise Wednesday with an additional nine new novel coronavirus infections confirmed.

The new cases come as Niagara Health is treating patients at St. Catharines hospital’s COVID-19 ward again and the provincial pandemic modelling suggests Ontario could see as many as 1,000 cases a day through early October.

The new cases bring Niagara’s COVID-19 historic total to 1,073. Ninety-one of those cases are active and at least two of those people are in hospital.

Since the first case in Niagara was found in March, at least 64 people with the virus have died. The last death was made public in early June.

Younger residents continue to be the majority of people recently infected by the novel coronavirus.

Niagara’s daily case count had averaged about three cases until the past few weeks when that number began to rise. From Saturday to Monday, 50 cases were confirmed, the first time Niagara had seen double-digit consecutive daily COVID-19 case growth since the spring.

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