Coronavirus Canada Updates: Ottawa sees 31 new COVID-19 cases and one new death as city reopens in ‘Orange’ status

Coronavirus Canada Updates: 69 new COVID-19 cases, 5 deaths reported in Manitoba
Coronavirus Canada Updates: 69 new COVID-19 cases, 5 deaths reported in Manitoba

Ottawa Public Health is reporting 31 more people in the city have tested positive for COVID-19 and one more person has died.

This brings Ottawa’s totals to 14,038 laboratory-confirmed cases and 434 deaths since the pandemic began, according to OPH’s COVID-19 dashboard.

The update comes on the third straight day that the province of Ontario is reporting fewer than 1,000 cases.

There was no official update from the province on Monday, due to the Family Day holiday, but on Tuesday, the province released both Monday and Tuesday figures, adding 964 cases on Monday and 904 cases on Tuesday, though officials note that cases may fluctuate due to data migration at Toronto Public Health. The province reported 30 cases in Ottawa on Tuesday. Figures from Ontario often differ from OPH’s because of different data collection times.

Ottawa public health added 59 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday.

Provincial officials are reporting seven total cases of the B.1.1.7 COVID-19 variant in Ottawa and one case of the B.1.351 variant. No new variant cases were reported Tuesday.

Some trends are showing slight increases, with the number of new cases per 100,000 in the last seven days climbing back toward 30 and the estimated reproduction number just above 1. The number of active cases dropped slightly on Tuesday, breaking a five-day streak of incremental increases. The COVID-19 wastewater monitoring project is showing a rising trend in the past few days.

Ottawa is in “Orange-Restrict” status under Ontario’s COVID-19 framework.

Ottawa Public Health data:

COVID-19 cases per 100,000 (previous seven days): 29.3 (up from 28.5 cases on Monday and 26.0 cases on Sunday)
Positivity rate in Ottawa: 1.6 per cent (Feb. 8-14)
Reproduction number: 1.07 (seven day average)
Reproduction values greater than 1 indicate the virus is spreading and each case infects more than one contact. If it is less than 1, it means spread is slowing.

The Orange-Restrict category of Ontario’s COVID-19 framework includes a weekly rate of cases per 100,000 between 25 to 39.9, a percent positivity of 1.3 to 2.4 per cent, and a reproduction number of approximately 1 to 1.1.

Previous articleCoronavirus Canada Updates: Quebec reports 669 new cases of COVID-19 and 20 deaths as hospitalizations drop
Next articleCoronavirus Canada Updates: Ontario reports 964 new coronavirus cases on Family Day Monday, 904 on Tuesday
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