Coronavirus Canada Updates: Quebec reports 1,301 new cases of COVID-19, 30 more deaths

Coronavirus Canada Updates: N.L. reports 2 new COVID-19 cases Monday
Coronavirus Canada Updates: N.L. reports 2 new COVID-19 cases Monday

Quebec health authorities reported 1,301 new cases of COVID-19 on Friday, bringing the total number of cases in the province since the start of the pandemic to 121,195. Of them, 12,040 are active.

The province is currently averaging about 1,287 new cases every day.

Quebec also reported 30 more deaths linked to COVID-19, including nine from the past 24 hours, 16 from between Nov. 6 and 11, one from before Nov. 6 and four from an unkown date.

One death was removed from the provincial toll as it was found not to be attributable to COVID-19.

As of Friday, 6,586 people in Quebec have died from the novel coronavirus.

Friday’s update shows that Montreal once again recorded the most cases of any Quebec region, with 317 (45,929 total), followed by Monteregie, with 155 (17,493 total), Lanaudiere, with 151 (9,229 total), and Quebec City, with 126 (9,812 total).

Seven of the deaths announced Friday occurred in the Monteregie region (784 total); five were in Quebec City (372 total); four in Montreal (3,566 total) as well as Lanaudiere (260 total); three in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (74 total); two in Outaouais (63 total), and another two in Chaudiere-Appalaches (95 total). The Estrie region also added one death (52 total) as did the Laurentians (319 total).

Hospitalizations in the province remained stable from Thursday to Friday; there are 583 people being treated for COVID-19 in Quebec hospitals. Of them, 85 are in the intensive care ward, which is one less than the number reported a day earlier.

From Thursday to Friday, 1,162 more people recovered from COVID-19 in Quebec, for a total of 102,569 since the start of the pandemic.

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