Saskatchewan reported its highest single-day increase of COVID-19 on Saturday with 439 new cases, bringing the provincial caseload to 6,237.
The majority of the new cases are in Saskatoon, the province’s north and Regina.
Below is a breakdown of where the new cases are located:
Far North West: 9
Far North East: 13
North West: 56
North Central: 43
North East: 11
Saskatoon: 170
Central West: 8
Central East: 13
Regina: 56
South West: 14
South Central: 18
South East: 19
The location of nine cases remains pending.
Saskatchewan has broken record after record almost daily throughout November for COVID-19 hospitalizations, including on Saturday.
There are 93 people in the hospital, 21 of whom are in the ICU.
The Opposition and health-care workers have sounded the alarm on the health-care system becoming too stretched and have asked for a circuit-break lockdown, but the government has neglected to take such action.
On Thursday, the province’s most recent measures came into effect, including a province-wide mask mandate and a limit of indoor private gatherings to five people.