Johnny Depp’s Fans Attack Amber Heard On Twitter, Report

Johnny Depp's Fans Attack Amber Heard On Twitter, Report
Johnny Depp's Fans Attack Amber Heard On Twitter, Report

Amber Heard is facing brutal attacks on social media from trolls after Johnny Depp lost his High Court libel battle. Fans of the Hollywood star picked on his ex-wife after a judge ruled that Depp had resorted to violence during the course of their relationship. Depp’s fans have launched a barrage of messages at Heard with messages, saying they wish she was dead, according to the Daily Mail.

“Amber heard deserves to burn in fucking hell,” wrote a fan of the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ star. “Johnny Depp was yelled at, beaten, mutilated, tortured, falsely accused by his abuser of crimes committed against him, he lost jobs, almost lost his life & is fighting for his reputation against a system that glorifies female abusers like Amber Heard. NEVER FORGET, NEVER FORGIVE,” read another tweet.

“In a world, that is meant to have equal rights, why is it Johnny’s career that has been torn apart whilst that woman who admitted to domestic violence abuse still allowed her career. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #FireAmberHeard@DCComics @warnerbros answer the question?” read another tweet. “Amber is a real-time dark witch who brings darkness into Johnny’s life. She came to rob him and tarnish his reputation to ruin his career. now we are here to destroy her career. boycott amber forever. #BoycottAmberHeard #JusticeForJohhnyDepp #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser@WBHomeEnt,” tweeted another. “FCK U AMBER HEARD!!!! You’re the true monster not just being a lair and abusive but by ruining a great mans Life and Career! WTF SO FCKING DISGUSTING! #JusticeForJohhnyDepp #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser,” read another tweet.

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